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Follow-up of your request

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History of asylum and Ofpra

The first international refugee status was created following World War I (1914-18), and Ofpra has been protecting refugees and stateless persons since 1952.

We invite you to follow this journey on our historical timeline! This chronology focuses on the history of the refugee status in France during the 20th and 21st centuries. It summarises the main texts adopted by France, the international and national institutions created for the protection of refugees, and the nationalities making the most frequent asylum requests, as well as the major events which have played a key role in these applications. It is important to note that there is not always a correlation between the rate of applications and an historic event.

Follow-up of your request

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Main nationalities of asylum seekers : Afghans, Ivoiirians, Bangladeshi, Guineans

Afghanistan remains the country with the highest number of asylum applications, a position it has held since 2018. This predominance was exacerbated by the operations to evacuate Afghans – local law officials having collaborated with the French authorities and other individuals under particular threat – in the context of the Taliban’s seizure of power. 
Fall in asylum requests by 27,4 % compared with the previous year; this decrease is directly related to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Adoption of the third European Pact on Immigration and Asylum.


The asylum situation in France in 2021 continued to be affected by the world health crisis which prevented international movement. 103,000 asylum requests, including minors, were received by OFPRA, 140,000 decisions were taken with a level of protection of almost 27%.
OFPRA comprises 1000 agents and protects 500,000 people.
OFPRA carried out its second protection mission to Afrique, which began in the Niger, notably for the benefit of the first people evacuated by the HCR from Libya to the Niger. These missions follow the promises of the President of the Republic that the “European Union, and if not them then France at the very least, would be able to treat asylum seekers  locally, in the safest third country, as close as possible to the countries of origin (…) in order to avoid putting them at undue risk.”


Following the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, temporary protection , an exceptional measure activated by the European Union on 3 March 2022, provides a provisional six-month residency permit, renewable for up to 3 years, to people fleeing the conflict. As well as the benefit of temporary protection, they can still apply for asylum in France.