Decision appointing a person responsible for access to administrative documents at Ofpra
Acces right to public documents
Law no. 78-753 of 17 July 1978 introduced an access rigth to administrative documents, now governed by Book III of the Code of Relations between the Public and the Administration (CRPA).
Any person thus has the right to obtain access to documents held by an administration as part of its public service mission, regardless of their form or medium.
This right to disclosure applies only to completed documents of an administrative nature that the administration actually has in its possession, provided that such disclosure does not infringe the protection of privacy and medical confidentiality, the protection of the conduct of France's foreign policy or the confidentiality of national defence, State security and public safety.
By decision of 24 February 2024 taken pursuant to Articles L. 330-1 and R. 330-2 to R. 330-4 of the CRPA, the Director General appointed Sophie FANUCCHI, Head of the Legal, European and International Affairs Unit, as the person responsible for access to documents and issues relating to the re-use of public information (PRADA) within Ofpra.
Her role is to:
- Receive requests for access to administrative documents and licences to re-use public information, as well as any complaints, and oversee their processing;
- Liaise between Ofpra and the Commission d'accès aux documents administratifs (CADA).
Your request for access to administrative documents must be sent to the Legal, European and International Affairs Division (Dajei) by post (Ofpra, 201 rue Carnot 94136 Fontenay-sous-Bois Cedex) or electronically to one of the following addresses according to its purpose:
- comacces[a] for a request for communication of all or part of the file of an asylum seeker or stateless person, a beneficiary of international protection or his representative;
-[a] for a request for access to the audio recording of the interview under the conditions provided for in article L. 531-20 of the code for the entry and stay of foreigners and the right to asylum (CESEDA);
- prada[a] for a request relating to any other administrative document.
The request must specify : Your contact details ; The subject of the request and any information likely to clarify the request.
The Ofpra has one month from receipt of your request to respond. The absence of a response within this period gives rise to an implicit decision of refusal.
Ofpra's Data Protection Officer
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requires the appointment of a Data Protection Officer in every administration.
By decision of 24 February 2025, taken in application of article 37-1 of the GDPR, the Director General appointed Sophie FANUCCHI, Head of the Legal, European and International Affairs Unit, as Ofpra's Data Protection Officer (DPO).
Her role is to :
- Inform and advise the Director General, as data controller, and the employees who carry out the processing, of their obligations;
- Monitor compliance with data protection regulations within the Office;
- Provide advice on data protection impact assessments and checking that they are carried out;
- Cooperate with the Commission nationale Informatique et Libertés (CNIL);
- Act as a point of contact for the CNIL and for those concerned by the processing of personal data.
For all requests to access, modify or delete personal data, please write to dpo[a]
The automatic processing of personal data
In a decision dated 22 novembre 2024, the Director General of Ofpra laid down the rules applicable to the automated processing of personal data known as Inerec and its remote consultation interface known as TélémOfpra
This processing is an essential tool for Ofpra to carry out its task of examining applications for international protection and administrative and legal protection. The decision specifies, in particular in compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of naturel persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (GDPR), the purposes of the processing, the data recorded, the persons who may access or receive the data, the rules for storing the data and the rights of the data subjects.
This decision replaces the order of the Minister delegate for Foreign Affairs of 5 November 1990, as amended, relating to an operation to automate the administrative formalities involved in filing an application for status with Ofpra and to the creation of a telematic service, electronic messaging and the publication of statistics (NOR: MAEA9020411A).