Decision appointing an Ofpra data protection officer

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requires the appointment of a Data Protection Officer in every administration.

By decision of 24 February 2025, taken in application of article 37-1 of the GDPR, the Director General appointed Sophie FANUCCHI, Head of the Legal, European and International Affairs Unit, as Ofpra's Data Protection Officer (DPO).

Her role is to :

  • Inform and advise the Director General, as data controller, and the employees who carry out the processing, of their obligations;
  • Monitor compliance with data protection regulations within the Office;
  • Provide advice on data protection impact assessments and checking that they are carried out;
  • Cooperate with the Commission nationale Informatique et Libertés (CNIL);
  • Act as a point of contact for the CNIL and for those concerned by the processing of personal data.

For all requests to access, modify or delete personal data, please write to dpo[a]