This refers to all of the pieces of legislation that aimed, between 2008 and 2013, at recasting all of the first-generation regulations and directives on asylum. Its aim is to lay down a fully-fledged Common European Asylum System (CEAS) harmonising European asylum policy across the board as regards procedures, reception conditions and common protection statuses. The full package of proposals has been adopted and must have been applied or transposed into domestic legislation by 20 July 2015 at the latest.
Reception platforms for asylum seekers (Plateformes d’accueil pour les demandeurs d’asile / PADA): located in each region in mainland France, the 34 PADAs managed by the French Office for Immigration and Integration (OFII) are responsible for the initial reception of asylum seekers. They carry out several missions:
• providing asylum seekers with information and guidance
• lending social and administrative support, throughout the process, to asylum seekers who are not taken in hand within a Reception Centre for Asylum Seekers (CADA).
• registering asylum seekers in the national accommodation system
There is no legal definition of this term. However, during the examination of asylum applications, persecution or fears of persecution must be of a personal, current and sufficiently serious nature. Such persecution or fear of persecution may come from State authorities, parties or organisations which control the State or a substantial part of State territory or individuals when the State authorities are not able to provide its nationals with protection.
Protection officers examine asylum applications or stateless person applications.