
Once the examination of the application is finished, the protection officer who interviewed you will write a proposal for a decision, which will be signed by his superiors.
This decision is then notified on your personal digital space or by registered post.

Depending on your situation, you may :

  • be granted refugee : are not provided with explanations ;
  • considered eligible for subsidiary protection : contains a summary of the grounds making up the application and sets out the reasons why Ofpra has refused to grant refugee status ;
  • receive a negative decision : the decision contains a summary of the grounds making up the application and sets out the reasons why Ofpra has refused it.

If you are accompanied by your minor child(ren), the decision concerning you will also mention the decision concerning them. It is also possible that minor children will be the subject of an individual decision. The other parent will also be kept informed of the meaning of the decision concerning minor children by post.

To know : You have the possibility of contesting the decision of the Ofpra and appealing to a court called the National Court of Asylum (CNDA) :

  • If you are eligible for subsidiary protection and wish to be recognized as a refugee ;
  • If you receive a negative decision.

Attention : you have one month to make this appeal, from the notification of the decision.

The date of notification by Ofpra is the date on which you receive the response from Ofpra by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt or the date on which the postman files a notice of passage if the mail has not been claimed or the date on which you consulted the decision in your Ofpra secure personal digital account.

To find out how to appeal, you can consult the CNDA website.

Mis à jour le 03 March 2025