
Except in the situations provided for by law, the Office asks each applicant to attend an interview.

Aim of the interview 

Allowing you to fully present the reasons for his or her application, complete or correct his or her written account of events and clarify any grey areas. 

Box d'entretien à l'Ofpra
© C. Millerand
Entretien de demande d'asile
© M. de La Rochefoucauld

Interview conditions

  • The interview is individual: this means that you will be interviewed alone;
  • Exchanges are strictly confidential: no information will be communicated to your relatives or in your country of origin;
  • The interview is conducted by an Ofpra agent called a protection officer;
  • The protection officer's questions you to obtain an overall picture of the events experienced by the applicant and the grounds for his or her fears.
  • Where necessary, this interview will be conducted with an interpreter in the language you chose when registering your asylum application at GUDA. The interpreter is subject to the duty of confidentiality ;
  • Your statements are recorded ;
  • You have the right to be accompanied by a lawyer or a member of an association. You can find at the footer of the page which association can accompany you

If you are accompanied by your minor child(ren), you may also be interviewed about their fears during your interview. The invitation that will be sent to you specifies whether your minor children must also present themselves to the Ofpra during your interview.

Mis à jour le 03 March 2025