The end of the family reference form

Since 2 January 2025, Ofpra no longer requires the family reference form (FFR) for newly beneficiaries of international protection. 

On 06 January 2025

Please note that all persons with a decision dated before 1 January 2025 must continue to complete the family reference form sent to them.

This abolition is a procedural simplification for beneficiaries of international protection, which will not affect the quality of the information that Ofpra must collect. In fact, successive developments in the asylum procedure and Ofpra's practices now mean that once protection has been granted, most civil status information is in Ofpra's possession and has already been verified, particularly during the asylum application interview.

For married, civil union or divorced persons, Ofpra will continue to request additional information (such as the identity of the parents-in-law and how the marriage was registered) using a simplified form attached to the decision granting protection.

As at present, beneficiaries of international protection will have to send Ofpra, if they have not already done so, the originals of their passport, identity card and birth certificate issued by their country of origin, which they are no longer required to use.

It will still be possible to send, in French, additional information by post on plain paper, quoting the Ofpra file number, to the following address: Ofpra – Pôle Protection - 201 rue Carnot - 94136 Fontenay-sous-Bois Cedex – France.

See also

Follow-up of your request

Here is the information you write down; if you wish to modify them, click on “Previous”. Otherwise, click on “Send my request”