Between 1925 and 1942, there were two Offices for Armenian Refugees: one an offshoot of the National Delegation to the Peace Conference and the other of the Armenian Republic Delegation. In 1945, the public authorities decided to create a single Pan-Armenian body, the Central Office for Armenian Refugees, a merger of the previous separate offices, and run by Mentor Bouniatian.
Set up in 2009, the French Office for Immigration and Integration (Office Français de l'Immigration et de l'Intégration/OFII) is the State operator in charge of helping migrants to settle and integrate during their first five years of residence in France. OFII is also responsible for managing work- and family-related immigration procedures, the national asylum seekers' reception system and assistance with return and resettlement to aid inclusive development, and combating illicit employment.
The Obligation to Leave French Territory (Obligation de Quitter le Territoire Français/OQTF) is the primary deportation measure as regards foreign nationals. It may be ordered by the Prefect in a certain number of cases. It may be associated with a decision not to grant residence to a foreign national, or imposed on the basis of illegal presence in France. It requires the person in question to leave France of his or her own accord within 30 days or, in a limited number of situations, within no set time-limit.
The Section Presidents at the CNDA can issue a decision without summoning the asylum seeker to a public hearing in cases of claims time-barred (late filing of appeal), no grounds for referral of cases and discontinuance of proceedings, and lastly where there are no serious facts likely to cast doubt over Ofpra's decision.
Several times a year, Ofpra travels to certain cities outside the Parisian region to interview asylum seekers on-site.
Proportion of asylum seekers having obtained international protection following an Ofpra or CNDA decision.