Final closure and reopening an application

The closure procedure

The closure procedure applies if you withdraw your asylum application.

Closure is also an option offered to Ofpra, which thus retains freedom of assessment in view of individual situations and protection needs, if you are in any of the following cases:

  • You have submitted your asylum application after the indicated timeframes ;

  • You refuse to cooperate ;

  • You did not come to the interview and did not provide any kind of justification ;

  • You did not communicate a valid mailing address ;

  • you have abandoned, without legitimate reason, the place where you were accommodated proposed by OFII in application of article L. 552-8 du CESEDA.

Reopening your application

You can request for your application to be reopened with the prefecture within 9 months following the decision to close the application. The prefecture will register your information again and a new asylum application certificate will be issued to you, as well as a specific form.

You will then have 8 days to send in the form to Ofpra to request the reopening of your asylum application. Ofpra will then resume the examination of your asylum application at the stage where it was interrupted.

Past the 9-month time period, it is no longer possible to request the reopening of your asylum application after 9 months. Your request will be considered as a request to reexamine your asylum application.

Mis à jour le 09 January 2025