André Guibaut (1903-1966)

Director of Ofpra from April 1962 to June 1966

Minister Plenipotentiary
Distinction : Officier de la Légion d’honneur

André Guibaut, a graduate of the Bordeaux Business School (ESCB), worked as a commissioner in the merchant navy and was later in charge of scientific missions and explorations in Tibet. He joined the Free French Forces in November 1940 and was a delegate in China for the French National Committee from 1942 to 1943.

After the war, he was French Ambassador to Amman prior to serving as High Representative in Laos in 1955, and then later serving as French Ambassador to Colombo in 1959. He was Consul-General in Milan in 1961 before becoming Director of Ofpra.

He is the author of Missions perdues au Tibet (Lost missions in Tibet) and Ngolo-Setas 2ème expédition Guibaut-Liotard au Tibet 1940 (Ngolo-Setas 2nd Guibaut-Liotard expedition to Tibet 1940).