Follow-up of your request

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You can challenge the Ofpra's rejection decision by filing an appeal with the National Court of Asylum Law (CNDA). Three types of Ofpra decisions can be contested and appealed against:

  • The rejection of an asylum request;
  • A decision to grant subsidiary protection if you consider that your fears in the event of return are linked to one of the grounds of the Geneva Convention and that you should therefore benefit from refugee status;
  • Decisions to terminate or withdraw protection.

For more information on the functioning of the CNDA or on the procedure, you can consult the Court's website:

Follow-up of your request

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Follow-up of your request

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If you live in France or in Guyana, you have a period of one month after notification of the Ofpra's decision to file your appeal with the CNDA.

For more information on the functioning of the CNDA or on the procedure, you can consult the Court's website:

Follow-up of your request

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Follow-up of your request

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There are several possibilities:

  • You can send your appeal by fax to the following number: 01 48 18 44 20, subject to signing either the faxed document or a formalisation form provided by the Court by the day of the hearing;
  • You can also send it to the National Asylum Court (Cour Nationale du Droit d'Asile - CNDA by post through registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, to the following address:

CNDA Registry
35, rue Cuvier
93558 Montreuil

  • Finally, you can deposit it directly at the premises of the CNDA.

For more information about how the CNDA works or about proceedings, please consult CNDA's website


Follow-up of your request

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Follow-up of your request

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A request for review is an application for international protection made after a final decision (of inadmissibility, rejection or granting subsidiary protection) has been taken on a previous application, or when the Office has taken a final decision to close. (the closure decision by Ofpra becoming final after a period of 9 months), or finally when the applicant withdraws his asylum application or has left French territory, including to return to his country of origin.

To file the request, you must collect a re-examination form from the prefecture of your place of residence. This will issue you with a temporary residence permit. The form must be returned by post to Ofpra within 8 days. If it is not complete, you are given an additional 4 days to complete it.

The examination of a request for reconsideration begins with a preliminary examination of the facts and elements presented by the applicant, intervening after the final decision taken on a previous request or of which it is proved that he could only have knowledge of them. after this decision. During this preliminary examination, the Office may not conduct an interview.

Follow-up of your request

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Follow-up of your request

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