Assistance by a third party during the interview

Entretien avec tiers
© Ofpra

Any asylum seeker , refugee or beneficiary of subsidiary protection has the ability to be accompanied by an attorney or representative from an organization during the interview conducted by the Office.

The terms for the presence of attorneys or members of an organization are established, in accordance and in application of the law related to the asylum right reform, upon the decision of Ofpra’s general director on July 2, 2019 setting the organizational conditions for the interview in application of article L. 531-15 of the Code of Entry and Residence of Foreigners and the Right of Asylum.

The organizations that correspond to the definition provided in articles L. 531-15 and R. 531-13 of the Ceseda were authorized by Ofpra’s general director following a decision on April 21, 2023. Their members were approved by the Office’s general director.

How to get approved?

The organizations that would like to get approval in order to be able to accompany asylum seekers during their interview are invited to consult article R. 531-13 of the Ceseda before contacting Ofpra (by email at the address communication[a]

The following documents will need to be attached to the application, so that Ofpra can make sure they comply with the definition set by law and decree :

  • The organization’s statutes ;
  • A copy of the statutes’ publication in the Official Journal ;
  • A letter signed by the organization’s President ;
  • A nominative list of the members who will be approved.