The request for statelessness

Foreign nationals who wish to apply for statelessness status must contact Ofpra directly by mail to request the statelessness application form. This request must be written in French, include the surname (s), first name (s), and address of the applicant, as well as the precise reasons for his request.

The form sent by the Office must be completed and completed in French, signed and accompanied by 2 identity photographs and, where applicable, the travel document, civil status documents and a copy of the residence document in course of validity.

When the application is complete, the secretariat of the Stateless Persons Office registers it and immediately issues a letter of introduction addressed to the applicant by regular mail.

Since CESEDA does not include any provision relating to the situation of people applying for stateless status, the prefectures are not required to temporarily admit applicants for this status. The procedures to which asylum seekers are subject are therefore not applicable to stateless person applicants.