Senior Management Team

General Director : Julien Boucher
Ofpra is overseen by a Director-General appointed by decree of the President of the Republic, upon joint proposal of the Minister for Asylum and Minister for Foreign Affairs.

The decisions concerning asylum applications are issued in the name of the Director-General. To that end, he delegates his signing authority to the officials he designates.

Portrait de Julien Boucher

The Director-General drafts and implements the Board's deliberations and oversees Ofpra, whose departments are placed under his authority. In this regard, he is the authorising officer for the institution's revenue and expenditure, and represents Ofpra in legal proceedings and in all instances of civilian life; he recruits, appoints and oversees permanent and contractual staff; he chairs Ofpra's diverse joint bodies; he signs the contracts and agreements binding the institution and gives an account of his management activity to the Board of Directors.

Finally, Ofpra's Director-General exercises powers specific to the protection mission assigned to Ofpra. Accordingly, he is authorised to certify the family situation and civil status of protected persons as they result from past events or facts that took place in the country.

Biography of Mr Julien Boucher

Date of birth : 5 August 1976

A graduate of the Paris Institute of Political Studies (1998), Mr. Boucher obtained a Master's Diploma in Public Law (1999), and later studied at the National School of Administration (ENA) (graduating top of the "Copernic" class).
Professional Career

  • 2000 – 2002: attended the National School of Administration
  • 2002 – 2003: Level 2 Auditeur (second-level judge) at the Conseil d’État
  • 2003 – 2005: Level 1 Auditeur (first-level judge) at the Conseil d’État
  • 2005 – 2017: Maître des Requêtes (master of petitions) at the Conseil d’État
  • 2007 – 2008: Co-head of the documentation centre of the Conseil d’État
  • 2008 – 2012: Public Rapporteur to the Litigation Division and other trial benches of the Conseil d’Etat
  • 2011 – 2012: Constitutional Affairs Adviser to the Secretary General of the Government
  • 2012 – 2019: Director of Legal Affairs, General Secretariat of the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Solidarity and the Ministry of Territorial Cohesion
  • Since 2017: State Councillor
  • Since 2019: Director-General of the French Office for the Protection of Refugees and Stateless Persons (OFPRA)

Honours and Awards
•    Chevalier de l'Ordre National du Mérite (Knight of the National Order of Merit)

Secretary-General : Mr Mathieu Mugnier
The Secretary-General is appointed by the Director-General after consulting with Ofpra's Board of Directors. He stands in for the Director-General when the latter is absent or unavailable.

He supervises Ofpra's overall performance and monitors the departments' activity in liaison with the staff. He proposes adjustments in the way the departments are organised and allocates the necessary means for carrying out their mission.

He is in charge of coordinating the operational departments and of administrative and financial matters. In this respect, he implements the policy bearing on recruitment, human resource management and management modernisation within the institution, coordinates the budget preparation and implementation exercises and ensures the governance of IT projects. He is tasked with Ofpra's real estate management and the public reception conditions.

Chief of Staff : Ms Sophie Pegliasco

The Chief of Staff helps to define the institution's strategic objectives and policy.

She also coordinates the public relations and communications policy, monitoring of the general activity and work organisation.

She is responsible for the external dimension of the Office (outside protection missions, relations with institutional and associative partners as well as with Parliament and the government, etc.).

Finally, she manages emergency situations and the Ofpra Director-General's specific business (reported cases).